Product description

The Verwol Vintage Vision™ is a glazed architectural wall with great sound insulation features. The horizontal and vertical profiles gives the wall partition a vintage look.

Facts about the Verwol Vintage Architectural Walls:

  • Track work with a height of just 1 3/16 inches [ 1 -1/4″]
  • Sound insulation: STC = 36dB up to 39dB
  • Fully demountable and relocatable when needed

The Verwol Vintage Vision can be combined with the Verwol doors.

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Technical specifications

Joint Vertical and horizontal profiles
Wall thickness 1 3/16 inches
Max. sound insulation STC = 36dB

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Building in a sustainable matter is of key importance. The basis being responisble production of sturdy build-to-last products which can be used endlessly.


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For over more than 45 years Verwol  has been making the most comfortable office spaces. Our practical knowledge is combined with scientific research results. This has lead to a new standard in office environments in the Netherlands: The ideal office space.